this is too real for tv...

Sometimes I get put into situations where I have a choice, to be honest, or to be really creative with my honesty, you know? Ok, maybe not, you could call it lying, but that's not fun. Let me attempt to explain this. 

Sometimes you're having a conversation with someone, let's say...a stranger, someone you're recently met and the subject get heavy, or personal, so you have a choice to take the conversation to another level, and be honest and really say what you feel. But say you also have a full camera crew filming and recording everything you say with high quality equipment. 

My boss, Per Heimly, the photographer I'm interning with here in Oslo (this is the last time I'm going to remind of who he is, Ok?), is being filmed for a "Reality" TV show for a Norwegian network, about a woman who dates different single celebrities to get a look into their lifestyle with their significant others. Interesting right? 

But how do you do that? How do you trust someone whom you've just met to let them into the intricate details of your life? And how do you do this on TV? 

So we sat around had a few drinks and dinner as the crew filmed him in his environment . defines trust as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. A simple, straight forward definition right?

Is it wrong that you trust someone even if you've only know them for a few minutes? Or is there another name for that? 

How come you can know people for a long time and never trust them? 

Why do some relationships seem more important than the ones you've had for a long time?

How come you can know people for a long time and never trust them? 

Why do some relationships seem more important than the ones you've had for a long time?

I'm sure this must be confusing you, it's not your fault, my brain is pretty fogged right now. 


Anonymous said…
Maybe to some people truth and untruth are one in the same. Maybe some people... can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, being asleep or being awake, lying or telling the truth. Maybe life is a lie- to some people.

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