I have things to tell you...

I have things to tell you.

But they are stuck inside my hands. I somehow have not been able to think anything through… or have an elaborate enough thought to write it down… nor share it with you.

But how have you been? I’ve missed you! It’s been so long. I know it might not seem like it to you, but time is FLYING. I mean… two minutes ago, it was December 2010. And look at us now, already at the end of beautiful March. Last year, I thought the month of December passed by just like a sneeze. You feel it coming, the tickling up, caos in your brain, the buzz of nothing, a heart sighing upward & then it's out and it's over.

Speaking of sneezes, I’ve got the mother of all Flu’s. I feel like I’m going to die. That’s slightly exaggerated.

I’m just hoping I feel better to go celebrate the 4th anniversary of RAS HAITRM & Word Sound and Power on Saturday at 10:30pm, at Gil Vicente. It would be really nice to see you guys out there celebrating with us on Saturdy. If you've never seen him live, then this would be a perfect opportunity!

Speaking of Saturday (…I’m on a roll!), let’s take a look at a few shots I did of a benefit concert Ras Haitrm and The Word Sound and Power organized on a Saturday in December 2009. Yeah, two thousand and nine. Didn’t I tell you time flies?


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